As the 2020 US election draws near, one of the oddest and most dysfunctional debates I'm witnessing is in regards to Russia and its alleged election interference.
Liberals and centrists insist that not only did Russia interfere with the 2016 election on behalf of Trump, the campaign and possibly Trump himself colluded with them. They see the interference as an attack by a foreign power.
Leftists, on the other hand, refer dismissively to "Russiagate" as just furtherance of US imperialism and a ready-made excuse for how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. They see the lack of a conclusive finding in the Mueller report as proof that the affair was overblown. Many (rightly) point to the the history of US interference in other country's elections (including Russia) as proof that this is all hypocritical posturing.
I find the whole debate odd from a plethora of perspectives:
- Both sides refer to "Russia" as if the Russian people have some role
in this. Russia stopped functioning as a democracy years ago so any
actions like election interference would be solely the responsibility of
the oligarchy and the intelligence agencies
- As soon as intelligence agencies get involved, it's hard to know the truth about anything. Supporting information gets locked behind the wall of "classified information". So, while it's certainly plausible that Putin interfered in the election, it's hard to be sure.
- Putin is the very last person that leftists should defend. He's a crony capitalist who robbed his country blind and has somehow become one of the richest men in the world while on a politician's salary. Labor rights in Russia have declined under his rule.
- Under the Clinton administration, the US interfered in a Russian election on behalf of Boris Yeltsin while Putin backed one of Yeltsin's opponents. Yeltsin then handed power to Putin who's wielded it ever since. So, if Putin is now interfering with US elections, you could call it karma. Or blowback. Liberals and centrists never seem to acknowledge this.
- Through all of this neither side makes much mention of the fact that the integrity of the entire election rests on voting machines with multiple vulnerabilities. According to attorney and election advocate Jennifer Cohn, 80% of the country's voting machines are supplied by two private companies, meaning who owns them isn't public knowledge. Further, Cohn has reported that in some battleground states (Florida, Illinois, Wisconsin), these voting machines are connected, via cellular modems, to the internet. She says they could be hacked. Maybe by a state actor.
So, here's what I make of this whole messy debate:
Leftists would be well advised to check their sneering when it comes to interference from Putin's Russia. He's ex KGB, has a reason to hold a grudge and it doesn't take an enormous amount of money to mount a cyber war. His interference in democratic elections in many countries has been widely documented.
Before liberals point the finger at Russia or anyone else, they should look at the actions of their own government. The US has a long and unsavory record of interfering in elections around the world going back decades.
Both sides should worry less about Russia and focus on their own voting machines. They've already been implicated in potentially being the deciding factors in each of the past 3 Republican victories. When I read Jennifer Cohn's research, I find it crazy that more action isn't being taken. Where is the Democratic Party on this issue??
It's a crazy time in world politics and particularly so in the US. Hype and rhetoric win out over nuance and detail. Under those conditions, it's hard for an intricate issue like this one to get due consideration.
I hope democracy wins in November.